dw1000 github_GitHub打破了我的1000天连胜纪录
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dw1000 github

by Jed Watson

杰德·沃森(Jed Watson)

GitHub打破了我的1000天连胜纪录 (GitHub broke my 1,000 day streak)

… and this is what I learned about myself, and open source, along the way.


I was always planning to write a post when I broke my contribution streak. My first child (a beautiful baby girl we named Grace) was born five weeks ago, and I honestly didn’t think my “commit some code every day” habit would last through that experience, or even leading up to it.

当我打破自己的贡献连胜时,我一直打算写一篇文章。 我的第一个孩子(一个名叫Grace的漂亮女婴)是五个星期前出生的,老实说,我认为我的“每天提交一些代码”习惯不会一直持续到这种经历,甚至导致这种情况。

Well, my habit did last. And this in no way reflects how present I was as a new parent, nor my ability to sort out my own priorities like a proper adult. Unlike some streak criticism, mine was personal and not for show or fame and wasn’t a sign of a distressed work/life balance.

好吧,我的习惯一直持续到现在。 这绝不能反映出我作为新父母的生活状况,也没有反映出我像一个合适的成年人那样能够分清自己的优先事项的能力。 与某些连环批评不同,我的是个人风格,而不是为了展示或成名,也不表示工作与生活之间存在平衡。

Then again, when I started I didn’t think it would last about a thousand days — yet that’s roughly how long it has been (how long for sure? GitHub won’t tell you anymore, but based on my math it’s about 980 days)

再说一次,当我开始的时候我并不认为它会持续大约一千天 —但这大概已经有多久了(确定要多久了?GitHub不再告诉你,但是根据我的数学,它大约是980天)

Ultimately, all streaks will be broken, and like many long-lived ones, I guess I’ve been wondering why and how to end it. Out-lasting the feature on GitHub then — the one that inspired me to start it in the first place — seems like a fitting way to go out.

最终,所有条纹都将被打破,就像许多长寿的条纹一样,我想我一直在想为什么以及如何结束它。 然后,在GitHub上保留了该功能-最初启发了我的功能-似乎是一种合适的解决方法。

This is my story, more because I want to tell it, than because I think you (or anyone) should read it. It’s been a personal journey played out in a public space, and so this seems like a fitting way to wrap it up.

这是我的故事,更多的是因为我想讲,而不是因为我认为您(或任何人)都应该读它。 这是在公共场所进行的个人旅程,因此这似乎是一种包装的合适方法。

Warning: this is a bit rambly. It’s a snapshot in time of someone who’s just worked at something for nearly three years and seen it disappear. The number isn’t important, and the publicity less so. But it’s been a constructive motivation in my life that I deliberately opted into, and I’m feeling pretty introspective and processing a lot now that the whole thing is done.
警告:这有点粗鲁。 这是对刚刚工作了将近三年的人消失的快照。 这个数字并不重要,而宣传则不那么重要。 但是,这是我一生选择参加的一种建设性动机,而现在事情完成了,我感到非常内省,需要进行很多处理。

My streak started in September 15th, 2013. I had returned from a five week honeymoon around Europe with my wife in July, and was ready to start a new life; by coincidence, that was also the day my company Thinkmill was officially registered. So, two birthdays in one.

我的连胜始于2013年9月15日。我于7月与妻子在欧洲度过了为期五周的蜜月归来,并准备开始新的生活。 碰巧的是,那天我的公司Thinkmill正式注册。 因此,两个生日合而为一。

But it was probably two weeks later when I consciously decided to keep it up; like a personal challenge. I had also recently open sourced which was one of the scariest moments in my life (what if people hate it! what if I get judged? what if I’m not good enough?)

但是大概是两周后,我有意识地决定要坚持下去。 像个人挑战一样 我最近还开源了 ,这是我一生中最可怕的时刻(人们讨厌它是什么!如果我被评判该怎么办?如果我不够出色怎么办?)

… which lasted all of a few days until I realized nobody had noticed. Nobody cared, and nobody knew who I was. Heh. It’s not actually that scary. Turns out if you want somebody to pay any attention to your open source stuff, you have to work for it.

……持续了整整几天,直到我意识到没人注意到。 没有人关心,也没有人知道我是谁。 嘿。 实际上并不那么可怕。 事实证明,如果您希望有人对开放源代码的内容给予任何关注,则必须为此而努力

So the streak started as a public way to say “Hey! I’m committed to this! You can trust my scrappy little open source project because I’m obviously paying attention to it and dedicated to building it!”

因此,连胜开始以公开的方式说:“嘿! 我致力于这一点! 您可以信任我那松散的小开源项目,因为我显然正在关注它并致力于构建它!”

I went about two weeks before I knew I’d have to tell my wife; if I didn’t have her buy-in, there was no way it was going to hold up. So I did, expecting her to dismiss it; instead, she got that I was doing something different and important to me, and encouraged me instead. I thought I’d go for a few months maybe, if I was strong.

我去了大约两个星期,才知道我必须告诉我的妻子。 如果我没有她的支持,那它就不会坚持下去。 所以我做到了,希望她将其解散。 取而代之的是,她认为我在做对我来说很重要的事情,并鼓励了我。 我以为如果我坚强的话,我可能要去几个月。

A few months in, my initial motivation of “something to prove” had disappeared and two patterns emerged instead:


  • It got hard. There were days when I didn’t want to keep it up. I wanted to tap out and let it go. Hardest of all was when I was under the gun at work and already pulling 12 hour days on things that didn’t count. But I’d come so far; just do something. So I did, and invariably a day or two later I would be past it, and things were easy again. Lesson #1

    辛苦了 有几天我不想跟上它。 我想挖掘并放手。 最困难的是,当我在工作中受到打击时,已经在不重要的事情上花了12个小时的时间。 但是我走得太远了。 做点什么 所以我做到了,而且一两天后我都会过去,事情又变得轻松了。 第一课

  • I realised that when I didn’t have time to fix something big, I’d pick off an easy issue from the pile (turned out people did like Keystone, and the natural result of this is GitHub Issues) and fix it. I was addressing things users cared about, and the quality of my project was better for it. This “good maintainer” thing led to more interest, more engaged users, and eventually some amazing contributors / collaborators. Lesson #2.

    我意识到,当我没有时间修复大的问题时,我会从堆中挑出一个简单的问题(原来人们确实喜欢Keystone,而这自然是GitHub Issues)并进行了修复。 我正在解决用户关心的事情,而我的项目质量更好。 这种“良好的维护者”的作用引起了更多的兴趣,更多的用户参与度,并最终带来了一些了不起的贡献者/合作者。 第2课。

Buoyed by this, I was feeling really good about the streak. I was also refining my art. I love coding, even though I often get caught up with business / management / architectural concerns, and no matter what else I do, coding is my art. Dedicating time to it every day (#1) and collaborating with an ever-expanding community (#2) are the best things I’ve ever done to develop my skill and experience.

受此鼓舞,我对连胜感觉非常好。 我也在完善自己的艺术。 我喜欢编码,即使我经常遇到业务/管理/体系结构方面的问题,无论我做什么,编码都是我的艺术。 每天都花时间(#1)并与不断扩展的社区(#2)协作是我发展自己的技能和经验以来所做的最好的事情。

April the next year, my wife and I went on holiday to China for a couple of weeks. I was sure this was the End Of The Streak. Because I’m not going to let it be my life! It’s not healthy. Plus, there’s no way my wife would have patience for me coding on holiday :)

第二年四月,我和妻子去中国度假了几个星期。 我确定这就是连胜的终结。 因为我不会让它成为我的生活! 这不健康 。 另外,我的妻子不可能在假期编码时耐心等待我:)

… but I was wrong. Initially, because I checked my notifications at the airport and merged a really good looking PR (being responsive to contributors is really important, more on this later!)

… 但是我错了。 最初,因为我在机场检查了我的通知并合并了一个看起来很好的公关(对参与者的响应非常重要,稍后再介绍!)

Then I fixed a simple bug. It had momentum, and was so easy to keep up.

然后,我修复了一个简单的错误。 它有动力,很容易跟上。

About halfway through my wife asked “have you done your streak yet?” and I told her “no, I’m not worrying about that”. She insisted. She’d seen the positive impact it had on me, and encouraged me to continue. For all the months I’d benefit from it after we’d come back, it was worth 15 minutes a day for the next week. I’d worked so hard for it, she said, don’t throw it away now.

大约在我妻子的中途问:“你完成了连胜吗?” 我告诉她“不,我不担心”。 她坚持。 她看到了它对我的积极影响,并鼓励我继续。 在我们回来之后的所有几个月中,我都会从中受益,下一周每天花费15分钟。 她说,我为此非常努力,现在不要扔掉它。

“Have you done your streak yet” became a common refrain in our house over the next couple of years, always with encouragement and never resignation.

If things are good for you, the people who love you will notice and encourage them. Lesson #3

如果事情对您有好处,那么爱您的人就会注意到并鼓励他们。 第三课

Having an unbroken streak of nearly a year seemed a bit crazy. One of my friends went on his own self-driven coding adventure (Hi Tom ?) and made up a status dashboard on a big TV in our office, Panic-style, and one of the modules on it was my streak, in an industrial “days since last accident” design. It was fun, and egged me on a bit.

连续将近一年的连胜似乎有些疯狂。 我的一位朋友进行了自己的自动编码冒险(嗨,汤姆?),并在我们办公室的一台大电视上以应急的方式建立了状态仪表板,其中一个模块是我在工业界的连胜经历。 “自上次事故以来的天数”设计。 很好玩,让我有点困惑。

Turns out being disciplined can be social and fun. Lesson #4

事实证明,受到纪律可以是社交和乐趣。 第4课

Worth noting, though, at this point my life was set up around what I now recognized as a discipline. It wasn’t always easy, but no discipline is, and I worked at it. Having the support of my friends and family was crucial, and running a business where we were able to construct a healthy relationship between commercial and open source work was also extremely important.

但是,值得注意的是,在这一点上,我的生活围绕着我现在公认的一门学科。 这并不总是那么容易,但是没有纪律,我就是在努力。 在我的朋友和家人的支持下,至关重要的是,经营一家能够在商业和开源工作之间建立健康关系的企业也非常重要。

If you’re going to do something hard, be smart about it, and set it up to be sustainable. Lesson #5

如果您要努力做些事情,请对它保持警惕,并将其设置为可持续的。 第5课

The next year was a bit of a blur. Keystone grew, but I was always humbled when people had heard of it, or liked it. Through this, what developed strongly was a sense of “building something for good”. I’m not giving my time to work for free, I’ve just got these ideas to express (in the form of software) that I think will create benefit beyond what I could achieve on my own or for myself.

第二年有点模糊。 Keystone成长了,但是当人们听到或喜欢它时,我总是很谦虚。 通过这种方式,强烈发展的是一种“为善而造”的感觉。 我不是在腾出时间来免费工作,我只是想将这些想法(以软件的形式)表达出来,我认为这些想法将创造出超出我自己或为自己可以实现的利益。

I feel like I’m pretty blessed in life. Some would call it privilege, luck, fortune, whatever. I’m OK with that, because while I can’t repay everyone who’s ever helped me I can pay it forward and be as generous as possible with time, code or advice.

我觉得我的生活很幸福。 有人会称之为特权,运气,财富等等。 我可以接受,因为虽然我无法偿还曾经帮助过我的每个人,但我可以将其付给我,并尽可能地慷慨地提供时间,代码或建议。

But you know what? it comes back. At the start of 2015 I had the opportunity to go to the first React Conf where I made some excellent friends and started being part of the React Community. By this point, maintaining my streak was pretty much second nature. Almost forgotten, but still a discipline held, and foundational to the way I behave.

但是你知道吗? 它回来了。 在2015年初,我有幸参加了第一届React Conf,在那里我结了一些好朋友,并开始成为React社区的一员。 至此,保持我的连胜几乎是第二天性。 几乎被遗忘,但仍然是一门学科,是我行为方式的基础。

One of the absolute highlights of 2015 was traveling to Paris for React Europe to talk about React and Mobile Apps. But not just for the conference or the talk. That year I’d become friends with Camille Reynders, a KeystoneJS team member, over many hours spent talking on Slack and working together. But we’d never met, because he lived in Belgium while I’m in Sydney.

2015年的绝对亮点之一是前往巴黎参加React Europe,谈论React和Mobile Apps。 但不仅是会议或演讲。 那年,我与KeystoneJS团队成员Camille Reynders成为朋友,花了许多时间讨论Slack和一起工作。 但是我们从未见过面,因为我在悉尼的时候他住在比利时。

He and his wife drove down to hang out that weekend, just to spend some time in real life. We sat in cafes on the streets of Paris, watching the Pride Parade go past, eating cheese, drinking beer and hanging out.

他和妻子开车去那个周末闲逛,只是为了在现实生活中度过一段时间。 我们坐在巴黎街头的咖啡馆里,看着骄傲游行过去,吃奶酪,喝啤酒,闲逛。

Starting an Open Source project and dedicating yourself to it can get you some great friends and unique experiences. Lesson #6

启动一个开源项目并全力以赴可以为您带来一些很棒的朋友和独特的体验。 第六课

Coming into 2016, my wife and I were expecting our first child. I had a frantic start to the year, running a growing business and traveling overseas nearly monthly getting things done before I went seriously into family mode for a while.

快到2016年,我和妻子都期待着我们的第一个孩子。 一年的开始我很疯狂,经营业务不断增长,几乎每个月都要出国旅行,直到我认真进入家庭模式一段时间后才完成工作。

There was Nodevember — my first major conference talk on KeystoneJS, in Nashville. Then PhoneGap Day US in Utah where I pitched React to what felt like a room full of Angular developers. Then React Conf 2016 in San Francisco in February. At this point, each trip felt like catching up with friends, learning new things and developing ideas with developers I admire and am just flat-out stoked to spend time with in person.

有一个Nodevember,这是我在纳什维尔举行的关于KeystoneJS的第一次大型会议演讲。 然后是在犹他州举行的PhoneGap Day US,我把React推向了一个充满Angular开发人员的房间。 然后是2月在旧金山举行的React Conf 2016。 在这一点上,每次旅行都感觉就像是追赶朋友,学习新事物并与我佩服的开发人员一起发展想法,而这简直就是为了与他人共度时光。

To contrast with my first experience open sourcing KeystoneJS to crickets, I’ve now got packages on npm that get over a million downloads a month, thousands of followers, and something like 15,000 stars across my various personal projects.


But more importantly I’ve been told by several people that I’ve inspired them to get into open source as well. That’s not a small thing, and something I’m really proud of. Because I believe contributing to open source is personal, powerful, and good.

但更重要的是,一些人告诉我,我也启发了他们也进入开源领域。 这不是一件小事,我为此感到非常自豪。 因为我相信为开源做贡献是个人的,有力的和良好的。

These days, it’s not uncommon for me to hear feedback that the community around KeystoneJS is supportive, inclusive and inspiring. There are now other people inspiring yet more people around something that I created and imbued with my personal energy and philosophy, and that is just awesome. No other word for it. That is why I do this.

这些天来,我经常听到关于KeystoneJS社区支持,包容和鼓舞人心的反馈。 现在,还有其他人启发着更多的人围绕着我创造的事物,并充满了我的个人能量和哲学, 真是太棒了 。 没有别的意思了。 这就是为什么我这样做

Not to mention all the thanks, credit, and opportunities that have come flooding back in return. I do this for me, because I believe in this way of creating value, but having that realized with feedback is powerfully helpful.

更不用说所有回报,回馈的感谢,信誉和机会。 我为我做这件事,因为我相信这种创造价值的方式,但是通过反馈实现这一点非常有帮助。

It’s frankly been a lot of work, and sacrifice. But also? Totally worth it.

坦率地说,这是很多工作和牺牲。 但是也? 完全值得的。

Now, while I’ve taken personal and private pride in my streak and various other metrics, it’s worth making some points.


This is personal. It’s been good for me. It’s not for everyone. There is no judgement if you benefit from a more clear-cut work/life balance. I have no argument to make against those who say the GitHub streak guilts them into working on weekends and they want it gone.

这是个人的。 对我很好。 不是每个人都适合。 如果您能从工作/生活中获得更清晰的平衡,则无法判断。 对于那些说GitHub条纹使他们在周末工作而感到内and的人,我无可争议。

There are also downsides to open source that I didn’t understand when I started. Guilt is massive and real. When someone submits a PR and I sit on it, I feel terrible for ignoring (or even just apparently ignoring) their work. Their time is valuable and they gave me some of it; in balance, they’re implicitly asking for more of mine to review and maintain their suggestion.

开始时,我还不了解开源的一些缺点。 内是巨大而真实的。 当有人提交PR并坐在上面时,我会因为忽略(甚至显然只是忽略)他们的工作而感到恐惧。 他们的时间很宝贵,他们给了我一些时间。 总而言之,他们暗中要求我更多的人来审查和维持他们的建议。

Sometimes I’m a great maintainer, and respond quickly with helpful feedback or just a “Merge PR” click. Other times, I’m not. I’ve been lucky to have people help me out as well, with vetting, triaging and taking on maintenance roles in various projects. I can’t thank those people enough.

有时,我是出色的维护者,可以通过提供有用的反馈或单击“合并PR”快速响应。 其他时候我不是。 我很幸运能得到人们的帮助,在各种项目中进行审查,分类和担任维护职务。 我感激不尽这些人。

This morning when I woke up and found out my streak had been removed, it just felt… weird. Not like I was robbed of something, not like I was liberated either. Just a bit empty, a bit numb. All those time I’d thought about it and been encouraged not to, and the choice was taken away from me. How anticlimactic.

今天早上,当我醒来时,发现我的条纹已经消除了,感觉…… 很奇怪 。 不像我被抢了什么,也不像我也被解放了。 只是有点空,有点麻木。 在所有这些时间里,我一直在思考,并被鼓励不要这样做,而这个选择就从我身边夺走了。 多么滑稽。

I don’t know if the campaign to remove streaks from GitHub’s UI was something I really agree with. I get the arguments, especially from a mental health perspective. Just because I can look back and feel good about my experience, maybe on balance I was an exception. Maybe for every developer who was constructively motivated by it, there was another who was unhealthily punished by it. Addressing health and balance in our (and every) industry is a positive thing, along with equality and inclusion.

我不知道我是否真的同意从GitHub UI中删除条纹的运动。 我得到了论点,尤其是从心理健康的角度。 仅仅因为我可以回顾并对自己的经历感到满意,也许总的来说,我是一个例外。 也许对于每一个出于建设性动机的开发人员,还有另一名受到不健康惩罚的开发人员。 在我们(以及每个)行业中,解决健康与平衡问题以及平等与包容性都是一件积极的事情。

Clearly it’s been good for some people. John Dalton’s been on a streak longer than mine and is one of the most inspiring developers I know. John Resig, I think, motivated a great number of developers with his “” post. As he said:

显然,这对某些人来说是一件好事。 约翰·道尔顿(John Dalton)的经历比我更长,并且是我所知道的最具启发性的开发商之一。 我认为John Resig的 ”一文激发了许多开发人员。 正如他所说:

I consider this change in habit to be a massive success and hope to continue it for as long as I can. In the meantime I’ll do all that I can to recommend this tactic to others who wish to get substantial side project work done.
我认为这种习惯上的改变是巨大的成功,并希望在我能一直延续下去。 同时,我将竭尽所能向其他希望完成大量辅助项目工作的人推荐这种策略。

Having kept it up for nearly a thousand days, I’m OK to stop streak-counting. Maybe I’ll keep that graph all green, or maybe some grey will sneak in. It doesn’t really matter; after three years, the discipline has done its work, and I’ll be the beneficiary of it for the rest of my life. And hey, I was planning to break it sometime anyway.

保持了将近一千天后,我可以停止连续计数了。 也许我会将该图保持为绿色,或者可能会出现一些灰色。 三年后,该学科完成了工作,我将一生受益于该学科。 嘿,我打算无论如何都要打破它。

I do wonder, when mechanisms for self discipline and motivation can cut both ways, and then be unilaterally removed (I assume in response to a vocal movement) what the next thing will be for a generation of developers who are just getting started? We humans respond well to pressure, competition and games. It’s the very instinct that made the streak such a powerful metric in the first place.

我确实想知道,自律和动机的机制何时可以双向发展,然后被单方面取消(我认为是对发声运动的回应),对于刚刚起步的新一代开发人员来说,下一步将是什么? 我们人类对压力,竞争和游戏React良好。 正是这种本能使条纹成为如此强大的指标。

I hope something new emerges that doesn’t have such a negative downside (the rock → hard place text was always a bit caustic) yet inspires developers to challenge themselves the way the GitHub Streak did.

我希望出现一些新的事物,但不会带来不利的负面影响( 坚硬→困难的地方文本总是有点刻薄),但会激发开发人员像GitHub Streak一样挑战自己。


dw1000 github


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